Pine Trees of Idaho
Lodgepole Pine (Pinus contorta Douglas ex Louden
Common names: Tamarack, Tall
Lodgepole Pine, Interior Lodge
Height: coastal 25-30, interior 75-100 ft
Diameter: coastal 1-1.5, interior 1-3 ft
Showy flower: no
Fall colors: no-evergreen
Drought tolerant: low
Annual rainfall: 18-25 inches
Soil Needs: varied, pH 6.2-7.5
Frost Free Days: 100
Minimum Temperature (F): -70
Growth Rate: rapid
This long lived native pine tree takes various forms depending on it's location. Coastal trees usually reach heights of 25-30 feet and 1-1.5 feet in diameter. It is often found with a Krummholz form form. This twisted, often horizontally spread form is the result of constant winds that deform the tree over time. Inland, or interior, lodgepole pines ,.,more
Ponderosa Pine (Pinus ponderosa)
Common names: Western Yellow Pine
Bull Pine, Silver Pine, Yosemite Pine..
Height: 150-223 ft
Diameter: 4 ft
Showy flower: no
Fall colors: no-evergreen
Drought tolerant:
Annual rainfall: 15-25
Soil Needs: moist, pH 5.0-9.0
Frost Free Days: 150
Minimum Temperature (F): -36
Growth Rate: moderate
State List: AZ, CA, CO, ID, MT, ND,
NE, NV... ...more
Ponderosa pines are towering trees, regularly hitting the record books and recenty taking the title of tallest pine in the world at a staggering 268.35 feet tall. Height ranges between 150-223 usually, but great heights have been recorded at optimum sites. Trunk diameter is typically no larger than 4 feet. Ponderosa pines have a single trunk with rough ...more
White Bark Pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.)
Height: 50-70 ft
Diameter: 1-2 ft
Showy flower: no
Fall colors: no-evergreen
Drought tolerant: highly
Annual rainfall: 18-72
Soil Needs: moist, rocky, well-draining
Frost Free Days: 90
Minimum Temperature (F): -58
Growth Rate: very slow
State List: CA, ID, MT, NV, OR, WA,
WY Canada: AB, BC ...more
Pinus albicaulis is a native conifer found in the western United States and Canada and is the only stone pine native to North America. Extremely long lived and slow growing, Whitebark pine takes 200 years to reach maturity and may live to 500 years. In 20 years, this tree species averages 15 feet tall, eventually growing to 70 feet, usually less, with a trunk diameter of 1 to 2 feet. ...more
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The state distribution maps in the species info boxes below are from the USDA NRCS PLANTS Database at In instances where state specific maps are unavailable, the US distribution map will be used in its place. Also, the PLANTS Database website states "Our county data are based primarily on the literature, herbarium specimens, and confirmed observations.
However, not all populations have been documented, so some gaps in the distribution shown above may not be real. Remember that only native and naturalized populations are mapped!"
Pine trees are one of the most varied and widely spread genus of native tree species in North America. From the cold mountains of Alaska to Nova Scotia in the east, from high wind-swept Rocky Mountain cliffs to the fertile Appalachian forests, on seaside borders, swamps, dry foothills, lowlands and everywhere in between, pine trees can be found. Adapted to so many environments, pine trees are hardy survivors in their native habitat. The pine trees of North America were used by Native Americans for treatments of respiratory ailments, in canoe building and even as food. Today native pines are one of the most valuable commercial timber sources and continue to be used for construction, furniture, pulpwood, land management and more.

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