Blister fir, Balm of Gilead
Abies bracteata D. Don ex Poiteau- Bristlecone Fir, Santa Lucia Fir, Silver Fir
Abies concolor (Gord & Glend) Lindl. ex Hildrbr., Colorado Fir, California White Fir, Rocky Mountain
White Fir, Silver Fir, White Fir
Balsam Fir, Southern Fir
Fir, Lowland White Fir, Oregon White Fir, Puget Sound Fir,
Tall Silver Fir, Stinking Fir, Western Balsam Fir, Yellow Fir
Abies venusta (Dougl.) K. Koch- Bristlecone Fir, Santa Lucia Fir, Silver Fir
Interior Lodgepole Pine, Tall Lodgepole Pine
Pinus coulteri- Coulter Pine, California Coulter Pine Big-Cone Pine, Nut Pine, Pitch Pine
Florida Slash Pine, Dade County Slash Pine, Dade County Pine, Cuban Pine
Pinus echinata Mill.- Shortleaf Pine, Shortleaf Yellow Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Yellow Pine,
ShortstrawPine, Arkansas Soft Pine, Old Field Pine
Pine,Dade County Slash Pine, Dade County Pine, Cuban Pine, Honduras Pine
Swamp Pine, Pitch Pine, South Florida Slash Pine,Dade County Slash Pine, Dade
County Pine, Cuban Pine, Honduras Pine
Slash Pine, Dade County Slash Pine, Dade County Pine, Cuban Pine, Honduras
Pinus palustris Mill- Longleaf Pine, Longstraw Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Longleaf Yellow Pine, Swamp
White Pine, Sierra Brown Bark Pine, Silver Pine, Western Pitch Pine,
Western Red Pine, Western Yellow Pine, Yellow Pine, Yosemite Pine
Pinus pungens Lamb.- Table-Mountain Pine, Hickory Pine, Mountain Pine, Prickly Pine, Southern
Mountain Pine
Pinus taeda L.- Loblolly Pine, Bull Pine, Oldfield Pine, Shortleaf Pine, North Carolina Pine, Arkansas Pine
Pinus virginiana Mill.- Virginia Pine, Jersey Pine, Possum Pine, Poverty Pine, Oldfield Pine, Scrub Pine,
Shortstraw Pine, Spruce Pine
This is not a comprehensive list but we are working on adding more all the time. We hope you find
our site helpful! Common names in bold represent the common name used on this site.
What is a botanical name and what exactly is all that extra stuff?
Example: Abies balsamea (L.) Mill- Balsam Fir, Balsam, Canadian Balsam, Eastern Fir, Bracted
Balsam Fir, Blister fir, Balm of Gilea
Other common names this
species may be referred to
depending on the region.