We love pictures! If you'd like to add your picture to our galleries, send them to us!
Please read below for guidelines.

How it works:

    While we do not compensate anyone for their images, we will post 'image courtesy of your name' along with the image.  If you would prefer your name not be published in the citation, please put 'photo submission-no citation' in the subject field.  All others should simply put 'photo submission'. 
    We DO NOT sell or provide in any way, your email information to anyone, any company, or any thing- period.  We hate when that is done to us, so we do not do that to others. 
    If your images meet our criteria, you will be sent a confirmation email along with a link to view the images and citations.

Photo Submission:

If you elect to submit photos to our gallery, please ensure you adhere by the following guidelines:

• No people, homes, or vehicles present in images
• Original content only, meaning a picture you shot personally.  We do not want to be contacted by an image owner saying they never submitted and they do not authorized TreesForMe.com to use the image.  So please, if you didn't take it yourself, don't send it to us. 
• We do not knowingly accept any photos that are protected under a copyright or any other legally protected image.
• Trees images only at this time.
• If you do submit an image, you transfer all rights of ownership of the image to TreesForMe upon submission.  We
  do not pay for images so you would be submitting images to us free from charge or royalty. 
• Images should be no larger than 600x800 or 600KB in size
• Color only.

Please browse our galleries to see our photos and all the beautiful ones we've been sent.  Thank you and enjoy.
        -Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
Want to add your tree to our picture gallery? Click here for details!
Photo Gallery Submission Policy
Click to acknowledge you have read and agree to the above.
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