By using our site, you agree to the following:
Forum Usage:
The TreesForMe forum is for those interested in trees or other related content. Advertising, backlinking, spamming, adding URL's or any form of malware or phishing is prohibited. Violation will result in removal of post and could result in the user being banned from the forum. TreesForMe reserves the right to remove or edit any post and/or ban a user at our discretion and without prior notification.
General Usage:
The information in this site is based on our research; however, if you do not know what you are doing, please consult a professional. We make every effort to ensure information presented on our site is accurate, but discrepancies may exist. Every situation is different and may have specific needs. Should you implement information from our site without consulting a professional, we are not liable for any damages or losses. is meant as a guide to assist you in tree selection, education, pest and disease identification and possible treatment options. We cannot stress this enough: If you don't know what you are doing, consult a professional. If you would like assistance finding local professional service, please email us at so we may help provide you with links, addresses, phone numbers or at least help point you in the right direction. We do not endorse any services in particular and are not liable for any actions and or damages/losses caused by services we refer, should you choose to use them. We would welcome feedback on services so that we can make better recommendations in the future.
About the companies listed or advertised on our site:
With the exception of Amazon and Google AdChoice/Affiliate advertisements, any companies listed have paid advertising fees to for listing. We are not responsible in any way for the actions or interactions between you and any company you choose to associate with.
It is up to you, the consumer, to protect yourself against bad business practices, fraud, or damages. We are not a consumer protection or fraud reporting agency. is merely a conduit between information, education, and possible relevant business solutions and you.
About images and content on our site:
All images and content, unless otherwise cited, are property of Reproduction, distribution or any unauthorized use is prohibited. Any images with citations are subject to the terms of use set forth by its owner. We have obtained permission from the required entities in order to use them on our sites. For information about any of the images we have, please contact us.
Photo Submission:
If you elect to submit photos to our gallery, please ensure you adhere by the following guidelines:
• No people, homes, vehicles present in images.
• Original content only pretty please! So if you didn't take it yourself, don't send it to us.
• We do not knowingly accept any photos that are protected under a copyright or any other legally protected image.
• Tree images only at this time. Anything else will be deleted upon review.
• If you do submit an image, you transfer all rights of ownership of the image to TreesForMe upon submission. We do not pay for images so you would be submitted images to us free from charge or royalty.
• Images should be no larger than 600x800 resolution or 600KB in size
• Color only
Visit our Photo Submission Policy page for full details.
We do not share any personal information you share with us with any other entity. 'We' refers exclusively to We do not collect any personal identification information with the sole exception being photo submission (see section above for details). We do use various third party advertising services such as Google Adsense or affiliate programs with and you should be advised of the following:
• and third-party vendors, including Google, use first-party cookies and third-party cookies together to inform, optimize, and serve ads based on user's past visits to These cookies also report how ad impressions, other uses of ad services, and interactions with these ad impressions and ad services are related to visits to
• will not facilitate the merging of personally-identifiable information with non-personally identifiable information previously collected from Display Advertising features of Google Adsense that is based on the DoubleClick cookie unless provided with notice of, and the user's prior affirmative (i.e., opt-in) consent to, that merger.
• has Display Advertising cookies for Remarketing, Google Display Network Impression Reporting, the DoubleClick Campaign Manager integration, or Google Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting
• may use Remarketing with Google Analytics to advertise online and third-party vendors, including Google, and therefore ads may appear on sites across the Internet..
•Google's use of the DART cookie enables it and its partners to serve ads to your users based on their visit to our site and/or other sites on the Internet.
• may use demographic and interest based reports to tailor to better suit the audience.
•Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the advertising opt-out page.
Additionally, as most hosting companies do, our web host uses cookies to determine traffic to our website including but not limited to unique visits, what pages are visited, which URL the visitor was coming from, what web browser was used, country, and search engine key phrases or words used in directing traffic to our website. These statistics are used to enhance the user experience and measure the quality of traffic coming to our site for advertising fees, product relevancy, and overall website usage. Our hosting company does not sell or share this information with anyone outside of the company or
Usage Requirements and Disclaimer
Want to add your tree to our picture gallery? Click here for details!
-Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
Home>About Us>Usage Requirements
Tree lists:
•A-Z by scientific
•A-Z by common
•By Family
For state A-Z list click state name below.