State Tree: Longleaf Pine
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Friday, March 28, 2025
Home>Browse by State>Alabama
treated with poultices and salves. In the late 1800's,
it was even used to treat tuberculosis.  At one time,
Pinus palustris was one of the most widely used
trees in naval stores all over the world.    It's pitch,
resin and tar were valuable in the industry and
helped to establish this native tree as a commercial
commodity.  Needles are commonly used as pine
straw mulch, which is gaining popularity for the
benefits over traditional bark mulch. Lesser known
are uses in the culinary and beauty world.  Oils are
often used to scent perfumes and resin, also known
as rosin or colophany, is used in skin treatments. 
The food industry collects oils from the needles,
which is used as flavorings in soft drinks and bakery
items.                                                  Learn More
Native Trees of Alabama
Longleaf pine is a leading commericial timber in the southern United States. 
Uses include lumber, pulpwood, and veneer.  Resin is also collected and used in the
production of turpentine.  Turpentine has been used in times past in treatments of a
variety of ailments.  Respiratory complaints like coughing, bronchitis, common colds,
and influenza were eased by steam baths and inhalers.  Skin problems, wounds and
sores were also
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Tree lists:
A-Z by scientific
A-Z by common
By Family
For state A-Z list click   state name below.
our site!  You can read more about them here, the official Alabama State website, which is
also where we learned of them. There is an additional site, the Moon Tree Homepage, with
even more information. Moon trees aside, Alabama is home to a wide variety of tree
species, made possible by the climate and the diversity of habitats.
•  Alabama Native Trees A to Z
•  Alabama Tree Facts
•  Alabama Tree Families and Species
•  Endangered/Threatened Species
•  Tree Nurseries in Alabama
Follow the links to view species native to Alabama. If the genus is not linked, species are listed on the family page.

Aceraceae, Maple
Anacardiaceae, Sumac
    Rhus, Sumac
    Toxicodendron, Poison Oak
Annonaceae, Custard Apple
Aquifoliaceae, Holly Family
    Ilex, Holly
Arecaceae, Palm
     Betula, Birch
     Carpinus, Hornbeam
     Corylus, Hazelnut
     Ostrya, Hophornbeam
Bignoniaceae, Trumpet Creeper
     Catalpa, Catalpa
    Viburnum, Viburnum
Cornaceae, Dogwood
    Cornus, Dogwood
    Nyssa, Tupelo
Cupressaceae- Cypress
    Chamaecyparis, Cedar
    Juniperus, Juniper
    Taxodium, Bald cypress
Old Live Oak, Quercus virginiana, towers above and is laden with spanish moss
white flower with reddish tips on Cornus florida
Alabama Tree Facts
Longleaf Pine, Pinus palustris
©2012 TreesForMe Original Image.   See usage requirements.
Forested acres: 22.8 million
Percent of land forested:
Rank among states for percentage of forested land: 3rd
Predominant forest type: Loblolly- Shortleaf Pine
Number of urban trees: 205,847,000
(as of 2001)
Urban trees per capita: 69
(as of 2001)
Number of Tree city USA communities: 84
Number of invasive trees/shrubs: 7
(see state list for noxious/invasive plants)
Most damaging insect (to trees): Southern pine bark beetles
Non-native insect threats: Emerald Ash borer, Walnut Twig Beetle, Redbay Ambrosia Beetle
Number of tree families in our collection: 38
Number of endangered or threatened species in our collection:

Sources: Alabama Forestry Commission, 2013.

Additional state resources:
Alabama Forestry Commission
Alabama Forestry Association
Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Unit- Auburn University
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Alabama Tree Families and Genera
click to enlarge.
Useful information while browsing species:

How to read a botanical name

• How to use our species boxes:
        -Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
Please note: This is not a complete list of all native tree families and species found in Alabama. We are constantly working towards a more comprehensive list and will add families and their species as completed. 
Additional Resources:

North American Native Tree Families
North American A to Z List by Scientific Name
North American A to Z List by Common Name
Cyrillaceae, Cyrilla
    Cliftonia, Cliftonia
Ebenaceae, Ebony
    Diospyros, Persimmon
Ericaceae, Heath
Fabaceae, Pea
Fagaceae, Beech
    Quercus, Oak
Hamamelidaceae, Witch-hazel
Hippocastanaceae, Horse-chestnut
Juglandaceae, Walnut
    Carya, Hickory
    Juglans, Walnut
Lauraceae, Laurel
Magnoliacae, Magnolia
Moraceae, Mulberry
    Morus, Mulberry
Myricaceae, Bayberry
    Morella, Bayberry
Oleaceae, Olive Family
    Fraxinus, Ash
Pinaceae, Pine
    Pinus, Pine
Platanaceae, Plane-tree
    Platanus, Sycamore
Rhamnaceae, Buckthorn
    Crataegus, Hawthorn
    Malus, Crab-apple
    Prunus, Plum/Cherry
Rubiaceae, Madder
Rutaceae, Rue
Salicaceae, Willow
    Populus, Cottonwood
    Salix, Willow
Sapindaceae, Soapberry
Sapotaceae, Sapodilla
Styracaceae, Storax
Symplocaceae, Sweetleaf
Theaceae, Tea
Tiliaceae, Lindon
    Tilia, Basswood
Ulmaceae, Elm
    Celtis, Hackberry
    Ulmus, Elm
Yucca, Yucca
Alabama Endangered or Threatened Tree Species
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Additional Resources:

North American Rare and Endangered Trees

External Links:
This is not a comprehensive list but we are always working on adding more and will update accordingly.

Sorry, we currently have no endangered species listed.  Please check back.
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There's an interesting thing in Alabama
many people don't know about. Alabama
has Moon trees. What is a moon tree?  On
the Apollo 14 flight in 1971 loblolly pine seeds
were sent along to the moon and then
germinated when they came back.  The resulting
trees were given to the Governer by the US
Forest Service and the Alabama Forestry
Commission.  Some are located at the Alabama
State Capitol building in Montgomery.  We would
love to have some pictures of them to add to