-Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
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Pinus clausa (Chapm ex Engelm.) Vasey ex Sarg.- Sand Pine, Scrub Pine, Spruce Pine
Pinus echinata Mill.- Shortleaf Pine, Shortleaf Yellow Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Yellow Pine,
Shortstraw Pine, Arkansas Soft Pine, Old Field Pine
Pinus elliottii Englem.- Slash Pine, Yellow Slash Pine, Swamp Pine, Pitch Pine, South Florida Slash
Pine, Dade County Slash Pine, Dade County Pine, Cuban Pine
Pinus glabra (Walter)- Spruce Pine, Walter Pine, Walter's Pine, Bottom White Pine, Cedar Pine
Pinus palustris Mill.- Longleaf Pine, Longstraw Pine, Southern Yellow Pine, Longleaf Yellow Pine,
Swamp Pine, Georgia Pine
Pinus strobus L.- Eastern White Pine, Northern White Pine, Northern Pine, Soft Pine, Weymouth Pine,
Pin Blanc
Pinus serotina Michx.- Pond Pine, Swamp Pine, Pocosin Pine
Pinus taeda L.- Loblolly Pine, Bull Pine, Oldfield Pine, Shortleaf Pine, North Carolina Pine, Arkansas Pine
Pinus virginiana Mill.- Virginia Pine, Jersey Pine, Oldfield Pine, Possum Pine, Poverty Pine, Scrub Pine
Spruce Pine

Welcome to the Alabama A-Z native species list. We have listed them by scientific name because it is a constant and does not vary region to region or person to person. We have included the various common names associated with each scientific name to help you find the right tree. Some common names can apply to more than one tree species, so if you are having trouble narrowing down your search, take a look at our A-Z Common Name List to see which scientific names match up to the common name you are searching for.
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This is not a comprehensive list but we are working on adding more all the time. We hope you find our site helpful!
'Heart of Dixie, 'We dare maintain our rights'
Tree lists:
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Native Trees of Alabama A-Z