Texas Swampprivet, Forestiera angustifolia, has oblong, slender,
yellowish green leaves, 1 to 2 inches long, which curl up at the tip.
Travis Co., Texas
©2012 TreesForMe Original Image.
Forestiera angustifolia Torr., Texas Swampprivet
Branch bark of Texas Swampprivet, is light gray brown, but darker
on twigs.
Travis Co., Texas
©2012 TreesForMe Original Image.
Young Forestiera angustifolia.
Travis Co., Texas
©2012 TreesForMe Original Image.
The young trunk of Forestiera angustifolia has
white horizontal lenitcals (the little white lines)
and has warm yellowish brown areas mixed
with the same ashy brown color of the
Travis Co., Texas
©2012 TreesForMe Original Image.