The Grand Canyon State, 'God Enriches'
        -Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
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Arizona's landscape allows for plant
species that run the gamut from true desert species
in the south, to high altitude fir and pine trees in the
north.  There are mountains, deserts, canyons,
valleys, plateaus, prairies and rivers, each with their
own collection of tree species.  Arizona is home to 6
national forests such as the Apache-Sitgreaves
National Forests, an oasis in the arid southeast and
home to more lakes and rivers than in any other
Southwestern National Forest.  Another national
forest, Tonto National Forest, is the fifth largest
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Native Trees of Arizona
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•  Arizona Native Trees A to Z
•  Arizona Tree Facts
•  Arizona Tree Families and Species
•  Endangered/Threatened Species
•  Tree Nurseries in Arizona
Tree lists:
A-Z by scientific
A-Z by common
By Family
For state A-Z list click   state name below.
Arizona Tree Facts
Forested acres: 4 million
Percent of land forested:
Number of Tree city USA communities: 22
Number of invasive tree species: 32- hardwood, 1 palm

Notable invasive insect pest (to trees): Spruce Aphid
Number of tree families in our collection: 20
Number of endangered or threatened species in our collection:

Arizona State Forestry Division, 2013.

Hardwood Forest Foundation: Experience Arizona

Additional state resources:
Field Guide to Insect and Diseases of Arizona and New Mexico Forests
Arizona Community Tree Council
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Follow the links to view species native to Arizona. If the genus is not linked, species are listed on the family page.

Aceraceae, Maple
Anacardiaceae, Sumac
    Rhus, Sumac
Arecaceae, Palm
    Washingtonia, Fan Palm
Betulaceae, Birch
    Alnus, Alder
Bignoniaceae, Trumpet Creeper
    Chilopsis, Desert Willow
Cupressaceae- Cypress
    Juniperus, Juniper
    Hesperocyparis, Western Cedar
Arizona Tree Families and Genera
click to enlarge.
Useful information while browsing species:

How to read a botanical name

• How to use our species boxes:
        -Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
Please note: This is not a complete list of all native tree families and species found in Arizona. We are constantly working towards a more comprehensive list and will add families and their species as completed. 
Additional Resources:

North American Native Tree Families
North American A to Z List by Scientific Name
North American A to Z List by Common Name
Fagaceae, Beech
    Quercus, Oak
Juglandaceae, Walnut
    Juglans, Walnut
Moraceae, Mulberry
    Morus, Mulberry
Oleaceae, Olive Family
Pinaceae, Pine
    Abies, Fir
    Picea, Spruce
    Pinus, Pine
    Pseudotsuga, Douglas-Fir
Rubiaceae, Madder
Rutaceae, Rue
Salicaceae, Willow
    Populus, Cottonwood
    Salix, Willow
Sapindaceae, Soapberry
Sapotaceae, Sapodilla
Ulmaceae, Elm
    Celtis, Hackberry
    Ulmus, Elm
Yucca, Yucca
Looking for a nursery near you?
Check out our nursery listing by county below!

Sorry, we do not currently have any tree nursery listings for this state.  We do update these lists, so please check back.
Arizona Endangered or Threatened Tree Species
Additional Resources:

North American Rare and Endangered Trees

External Links:
This is not a comprehensive list but we are always working on adding more and will update accordingly.

Arizona Cliffrose- Purshia subintegra   Shrub, Endangered
Arizona Willow- Salix arizonica   Shrub, Conservation Agreement

Arizona Ecological Services Fish and Wildlife Services (statewide species list October 2012)
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State Tree: Blue Palo Verde
forest in the United States and contains 21 threatened or endangered wildlife species.
     Arizona is also home to such wonders as the Sky Islands, where the end of the ice age left pockets of plants behind.  Ponderosa pine, quaking aspen, fir, and spruce trees are the hallmark trees of the high elevation forests.  Pinyon and Juniper are common species as well, adding year round greenery and the bonus of harvesting pine nuts and juniper berries.  There are flowering trees such as palo verdes and desert willows, and thorny trees like honeylocust and mesquite, dotting the landscapes and adding splashes of spring color and caution for the curious.  Arizona has a diverse natural beauty and a dazzling array of flora and fauna surely to enchant anyone from the casual hiker to the eco-tourist.  You can marvel at the towering petrified forest, go skiing the next day and round the weekend out by fishing for trout on one of the many beautiful lakes.  In Arizona, it is easy to find a place to get away from it all and settle into relaxation and discovery.
Blue Palo Verde, Parkinsonia florida, was named the state tree in 1954.  Palo verde means green stem or bark, which is a tell tale feature of this species.  It is a fast growing tree, is leafless most the year, and is aided in photosynthesis by the green bark. Blue Palo Verde also has smooth green branches.
     In the spring, Blue Palo Verde erupts with small bright yellow flowers that seem to cover the entire crown.  Like all members of the pea family, Blue Palo Verde trees have long, somewhat flat, yellowish brown seed pods which fall when ripe.  They are then eaten by wildlife and dispersed.  The leaves are bi-pinnately compound with 2 to 3 pairs of .5 inch long leaflets on each pinnae and have a delicate feathery appearance similar to acacia or mesquite trees.
     Blue Palo Verde is one of the few tree species found in the Sonoran Desert amidst the Giant Saguaro cactus forest.  It is capable of enduring temperatures over 100
°F for long periods and minimal precipitation.  It makes an excellent xeric landscape species.
     The fruits of this native species are edible.  Native Americans, specifically the Pima and Papago peoples, cooked young fruits and seeds and made porridge from ground seeds.                                                                             
                                                                                                        Learn More
Ericaceae, Heath
Native distribution of Parkinsonia florida
Map courtesy USDA PLANTS Database
Fabaceae, Pea
    Acacia, Acacia
    Gleditsia, Locust
    Parkinsonia, Palo Verde
    Prosopis, Mesquite
Platanaceae, Plane-tree
    Platanus, Sycamore