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State Noxious Weed Species
Federal Noxious Weed Lists
Noxious Weed Seeds:

None currently listed at this time (January 2013)

Invasive tree species managed under the Plant Protections Act are as follows:

Rhamnus spp.- buckthorn, all species   Host materials of pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum (organism
causing Sudden Oak Death)

United States

The United States has two designations for noxious weed status, quarantined and noxious weed, which
are set by USDA regulations. The USDA Animal Plant Health and Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant
Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) is responsible for the protection of agriculture and natural resources
from the entry, establishment, and spread of animal and plant pests and noxious weeds into the United
States of America.  They also work with the National Identification Services (NIS) to identify potential
plant pests in support of USDA’s regulatory programs. See reference links for more information about
these departments and services.

Quarantined species:

There are no trees currently under US quarantine status.

Noxious Weeds:

Melaleuca quinquenervia- Punktree, Melaleuca     Non-native
Prosopis farcta- Syrian mesquite     Non-native
Prosopis pallida, Kiawe     Non-native
Prosopis velutina- Velvet mesquite     Native
Solanum tampicense- Scrambling nightshade, Wetland nightshade     Non-native
Solanum torvum- Turkey berry     Non-native

Canada has both the Seed Act of 1985 which deals with
noxious weeds and seeds, and the Plants Protection Act,
which deals with the import of plants from places outside
the continental US, among other things. 

According to the Canandian Food Inspection Agency, 
invasive plants regulated under the Seeds Act are listed in
the Weed Seeds Order, 2005.  Tree species are as follows:
Invasive Plants in Canada, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    Plant Protection Act
    Seeds Act
United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Services
USDA APHIS- Plant Health, Protection and Quarantine
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