State Tree: Blue Spruce, Picea pungens
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By Family
For state A-Z list click   state name below.
        -Color denotes a tree that is rare or endangered
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Utah is home to a wide variety of trees and is home to what is quite possibly the
oldest living tree on the planet. Pando, the Trembling Giant, is found in Utah and is a
collection of 70,000 or more clone trunks all connected to a single root system. Covering
over 100 acres, this is the largest known quaking aspen colony and is among the oldest
known living organisms.  The massive root system is estimated to be about 80,000 years old
although some argue it could be as old as 1 million!

The state distribution maps in the species info boxes below are from the USDA NRCS
PLANTS Database at plants.usda.gov.  In instances where state specific maps are
unavailable, the US distribution map will be used in its place.  Also, the PLANTS Database
website states "Our county data are based primarily on the literature, herbarium specimens,
and confirmed observations. However, not all populations have been documented, so some
gaps in the distribution shown above may not be real. Remember that only native and
naturalized populations are mapped!"   Tree families in Utah are:

A to Z list by scientific name

Maple, Aceraceae
Pine, Pincaceae
     Douglas-Firs and True Firs (Pseudotsuga and Abies)
     Pine (Pinus)
     Spruce (Picea)
    Larches/Tamaracks (Larix)
     Hemlocks (Tsuga)
Native Trees of Utah